Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Clash of Clans Is the Best Online Game - Here's Why

Why Is Clash of Clans The Best Game Ever?

Clash of Clan needs no introduction as it is one of the best single and multiplayer strategy games that are available online. It has been developed by Supercell a Finnish development company and the best strategy game that has been produced ever. The headquarters of the company is located in Helsinki, Finland. 

It has initially been developed for iOS platform and was launched on 2nd August 2012. For the android platform the game was still under development while it was commercially launched on iOS. In the month of September 2013 the game was tested for its compatibility on android platform. The positive reviews of the development team encouraged the company to get the game commercially launched on the Play Store in the month of October 2013. 

The main goal of the game is to make sure that the troops are trained well. As a result the defenses of the other players are attacked to make sure that gold and elixir are earned. These bonuses are then used to build stronger villages with heavy defense tactics. The single player game ensures that a player attacks the villages and as the level progresses the defenses also become strong and powerful. Following are some of the points that make clash of clans the best strategy game that has ever been launched:

The armies are categorized as tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, dark elixir groups and the heroes. Tier 1 includes the barbarians, archers and the goblins. Tier 2 includes giants, wall breakers which are actually the skeleton that carry bombs with them, hot air balloons that act as wall breakers using the bomb mechanics and the wizards. Tier 3 includes the dragons and heavy armed swords wielding. Dark elixir group includes heavily armed golems and hog riders. The heroes are the barbaric king and the archer queen and they can be trained only once. 

Clan wars
It can be considered as the integral part if the game where one clan can attack the other. In all such cases each clan is given one war day and one preparation day to keep the things fair. When the attack is done the players receive stars and gems based on the damage that has been done and it is also worth mentioning that each side is limited to 2 attacks per war. More stars mean a win and in return experience and medals are awarded to the winning side. 

Beside the goals and other achievements the gems are also used as a medium of exchange in this game and they can be used to train the troops. It is also to be noted that only 20 troops can be trained at a time and therefore it is also recommended to train the troops before each level. 

The overall strategy and the game plan is something that makes Clash of Clans the ultimate choice of all the players who love to play the strategy games. The biggest secret of all times when it comes to clash of clan is that reaching 1250 trophies is all what is needed and this could be done by searching the villages that have tow hall outside their walls.

If you're sick of farming for gems and want to improve your gameplay without that much effort, and become the best.. You should check out the free clash of clans hack found at masterclashofclans.com

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